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Category: WEB
Author: Vinayak Vatsalya J
Answer / Flag: MAZE{4U70M47E_7hE_80R1Ng_57UFf}
Problem Statement
Danaerys is looking for banners that will come to her support in westeros. She needs to find which banner will come to her aid, but since there are a lot of kingdoms, she needs to find a way to do it faster.One of her domains has the banner. Site
Help her look through all the domains in her kingdom to find the banner that will be her strongest ally.
Relevant files / links
The given site reads bad luck, try 84851
, on changing the url and going to same url but with 84851.html , we get this bad luck, try 4629
and so on. We get this pattern.
To get the flag we can write a simple script to parse through each page and go to the next page if theres no flag in the page.
import requests , re
number_pattern = "[0-9][0-9]+"
x = ""
num = "84851"
while "MAZE" not in x:
print(f"Visiting {num}")
url = f"{num}.html"
x = requests.get(url).text
num = re.findall(number_pattern, x)[0]
Which gives the flag on the last site, MAZE{4U70M47E_7hE_80R1Ng_57UFf}