
Editorials for Silicon Maze Systems Track 2022

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A Man Has No Name

Category: OSINT

Author: Chinmaya Sharma

Answer / Flag: MAZE{4ll_m3n_mu57_53rv3}

Problem Statement

Jaqen H’ghar has hidden his true identity from the world. His social media handles all but reveal his darkest secrets. He goes by the name of valardohaeris_2022 in one of his many social media handles. Find out his true identity and all will be revealed.


Look through all the posts in the facebook profile.


The LinkedIn profile has a Contact Us section which has a website link that is not really a website link. The significance of the this link content can be found be going through the facebook and instagram profiles, which have posts related to asana in them, with a comment in facebook pointing towards the Personal Access Tokens. The website link in the Contact Us section is the Personal Access Token of the Asana API, and the flag can be obtained by running the following curl command in the terminal,

curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"

where the ACCESS_TOKEN part is to be replaced by the access token in the linkedin profile contact us section.