
Editorials for Silicon Maze Systems Track 2022

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Sacred Key

Category: Forensics

Author: Tejaswi Hegde

Answer / Flag: MAZE{Pow3r_1s_p0wer}

Problem Statement

You happen to come accross this strange looking image. It seems as if there is something hidden in it. Maybe you need a key to unlock the answer.

the image file

Google Drive -


Hint 1: Maybe the file does not contain just image data. A thorough analysis might reveal answers.

Hint 2: Text can also be encoded into images in a very clever way.


Opening the image in a text editor (like Notepad) and scrolling to the end reveals the message “There are 2 prime numbers assosciated with this image. Multiply them and add a at the end. Also remember Romeo Charlie II.”.

The primes numbers are the dimensions of the image: 571 x 431 = 246101

Going to gives us a encoded text: ea3c49872517df291aa780125e42ec61361ab37db9ad0a8d

Coming back to the image, running it through an image analyzer (Like Aperi Solve) / steganography software (steghide) gives us the message “the key is winteriscoming”.

Decoding the text in the jpg file, Romeo = R, Charlie = C, II = 2, which gives us RC2 encryption.

Using the key “winteriscoming”, we can decode the text (RC2 decrypt on a website like Cyberchef) to get the flag.